Student Collaboration Project is a collaborative work of PaxWorks, Helambu Project and Early Childhood Education Centre.
It is a part of our effort to empower girls and teach them leadership skills, foster analytical thinking inside and outside of their classrooms. It is targeted at girls aged 11-16 from schools with minimum 50% female student body and institutional female leadership. The requirements is also students’ commitment to report regularly in detail on their process.
Under the leaderships of two girls, the students volunteer to fulfill various roles and responsibilities and are confirmed by consensus. They learn how to apply for a small grant, analyze and explain what they hope to achieve and report in detail on project planning and implementation. A team of two girls from different communities and castes leads a whole class through the process of conducting a small community project. They submit reports to us, facilitate the discussions and consensus decision making. They assign responsibilities within the class and make sure things go as planned. Different people are assigned to take notes during meetings, identifying the best way to buy supplies and purchasing them.